مــشــخــصـاتِ فـایــل : موضوع : SANTIAGO CALATRAVA فرمت فایل : پاورپوینت ( PPT ) قابل ویرایش تعداد اسلاید : 33 قابل ارائه و مناسب بعنوان تحقیق کلاسی
بخشی از متن این پاورپوینت :
Santiago calatrava was born on july 28, 1951 in a town of benimamet, near Valencia, Spain. He attended primary and secondary school in Valencia. From the age of 8, he also attended the arts and crafts school, where he started his formal instruction in drawing and painting. At the age 13 he was an exchange student in France and traveled to study in Switzerland. He returned to Valencia and finished high and later he was enrolled en escuela tecnica superior de architectura. He earned a degree in architecture and took a post-graduate course in urbanism. Being attracted by mathematics, calatrava decided to pursue post-graduate studies in civil engineering, so he was enrolled in the federal institute of technology in Zurich, Switzerland in 1975. he received his doctor rate in 1979, during that period he met and married his wife, who was a law student in Zurich ... .
#نسخه_الکترونیکی_کمک_در_کاهش_تولید_کاغذ_است. #اگر_مالک_یا_ناشر_فایل_هستید، با ثبت نام در سایت محصول را به سبدکاربری خود منتقل و درآمدفروش آن را دریافت نمایید.
تعداد مشاهده: 3327 مشاهده
فرمت محصول دانلودی:.zip
فرمت فایل اصلی: ppt
تعداد صفحات: 33
حجم محصول:2,894 کیلوبایت